Bought New Computer – AMD X2

I bought a new system today – the configuration is… Component Brand Price Processor AMD 64bit X2 4100 Motherboard Asrock MB AM2NF6G-VSTA 2800 RAM DDR2 RAM 1GB(677) x 2 7160 = 3580×2 Hard Disk Seagate SATA HDD 160 GB 2475 Cabinet Cabinet KM 1250 Optical Drive DVD Writer Sony 1750 UPS UPS 500A Wipro 1683 […]

Bought “The Mythical Man-Month”

I have been meaning to by “The Mythical Man-Month” by Frederick P Brooks for some time now. Yesterday, I read a post on how to be a better programmer which recommended this book. That was the tipping point for me. Today, I went to Ernakulam and bought this book. I bought it from “Computer Book […]

Google Earth to Blur Indian Locations

Citing unnamed officials, the Times of India is reporting that Google Earth has agreed to blur and distort Indian locations identified by the government after security concerns were voiced by the country’s president. This includes total blurring of locations like government buildings, as well as the outlines/building plans of key facilities. This came about after […]

Happy New Year

2006 was a great year for me – got a lot of things done. Created lot of sites, and made it a paying job. I just hope 2007 would be just as good – if not better. I hope that this case is true in your life too. If not, hey, its another year. Some […] having problems…

Remember the problems with google? Right after that I notice another site with problems – The main page shows this error message… What is happening? What are you favorite conspiracy theories about these sudden outages? The tubes got flooded? American elections impact on the interwebs? I think it is Microsoft’s fault. Somehow.

Google Problems…

Google seems to be having some problems – people are getting logged out of their gtalk chat from gmail accounts. I was not able to recreate this error. But I noticed that it is taking very long for the home page( to respond. Unnaturally long. Anyway, it seems to be working fine now. And the […]

Linux in Kerala

The role of Linux in Kerala has been in the news lately. The move to use Open Source Linux over the propriety Windows OS in public schools is creating a great deal of excitement in the net. I saw four different articles of the same story hit the front page in digg.