PTR or Partial Time Reversal

In the last post, I promised to show you the way to beat KSEB and their nefarious schemes. I called that method TTR – or Total Time Reversal. But in the days between the promise and this post, there is a small change in plans. I found that total time reversal was not for me – a partial one is enough. The difference between the two? In total time reversal, 12 AM becomes 12 PM. In partial time reversal – the difference is not that big.

So what is it? Basically, you adjust your internal clock to a timezone that allows you to use the computer without KSEB troubling you. Before PTR going into effect, I used to sleep at around 12:30 AM. Now I sleep at 5:00 AM. In other words, you take the night shift.


  • No disturbances – no phone calls, no salesmen
  • I have some clients in the US – now my timezone matches theirs.
  • Cool climate


  • Its lonely.
  • You tend to get hungry after a while(after 2:30 AM)
  • Not good for health
  • Mosquitoes are much more aggressive after 1 AM

I expected to feel sleepy after a while – but that only happens after around 4,4:30 so, its not such a disadvantage.

I am sure that it will wreak havoc on my health if I use this timetable for a long time. But then again, I did not choose the IT sector for its health benefits.

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