I rarely do anything interesting due to my physical and mental disabilities. So what I do is wait for something interesting to happen. Along comes CERN/LHC with the possibility of the end of world. That might be interesting.
If you haven’t heard anything about this until now, shame on you. Basically a lot of scientists have been building a huge circular tunnel in Europe for 20 years so that they can smash atoms together. And along with the smash comes a small(very, very small) chance of creating a black hole and bringing about the end of the world. I would give it a 7 in my 1 to 10 Interesting scale. 9 if it manages to end the world. Of course, that’s not what the scientists are trying to do – they are searching for the Higgs particle – also called the God Particle(apparently Higgs=God). They want to see what all new particles comes out of the collusion. Yea, science!
Collisions like this happens in our Sun thousands of times every second – but does any of them do something interesting(like make a (sustainable) black hole)? Noooo. I was hoping our scientist can increase the propability of that happening by creating one of those collisions ourself.
When I am really bored, I go to barcamps, blog camps, create web apps etc. – but that’s no where near as interesting as a possible end of the world. So you can understand my expectations for this event.
Don’t get me wrong – its not like I have anything against this world. As a matter of fact, I like this planet(most of the time). I enjoy living in it(most of the time). Its just that now a days, its deadly dull. As Tyler Durden said “we are the middle child of history“.
Anyway, as you might have heard, all my expectations has been in vain – there were no collisions. Of all the things that ended the experiment, it had to be faulty wiring. If it had been a black hole, or visitors from the future, or aliens, or anything interesting, I would have been happy. But nooo. It had to be faulty wiring. Now I have to wait until 2009 to see anything this interesting – thats how long it takes to reboot LHC.
Just for the record, I am not afraid of a black hole. We have a similar(ly named) phenomena in my home town – its called the black death.
Some LHC Humor from the Net
- LHC Web Cam Live Feed
- What Could Go Wrong?
- Paris Hilton Starts Large Hadron Collider Today
- Evolutionary Acceleration Research Institute Ready to Start “Squirrel Smasher”
- Large Hadron Rap
- The LHC Yields Unexpected Results
LHC rap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEojtM
So if the end of the world rates a 9 on your interesting scale…what does it take to hit a 10…? :^)
@Anna Lefler
Even I don’t know the answer to that question. Would anything be that interesting? Maybe the end of the universe(it must be a sudden end – the eventual heat death is too slow to be interesting).
Heart felt condolences Binny, can understand the depth of your disappointment. But not going to wish better luck next time!
Will the world end when two atoms collide?
Will the world end when two atoms collide?
I’m from brazil.