So far, we have gone over the theoretical difficulties is learning to spell. That is – the problems with the languages themselves. Now lets take a look at the practical difficulties – the problems with me.
Category: Writing
Useless Skills Part 4: Ability to Write or Read Malayalam
In my last post I ranted about the futility of trying to spell English words. I said that English is a bad language created by morons. Before any one accuses me of being a lingual bigot, let me reassure you – I don’t have any discrimination toward any particular language. I hate all languages equally. To illustrate my point, let us take the case of my native language – Malayalam. I truly despise Malayalam.
Useless Skills Part 3: Ability to Spell, English

English spellings are tricky…
Useless Skills, Part 2: Making Pretty Squiggly Lines
In my last post, I said that using the ‘pen’ is stupid. Because its an obsolete device used to make squiggly lines on thin slices of dead trees. And also because there is a better technology available – called the keyboard. There is another aspect of ‘writing’ that no longer needed – the handwriting – […]
Useless Skills, Part 1: Using the Pen
When we were kids our parents, our elders and teachers lie to us about a lot of things. When we grow up the situation becomes better – only the government and the media lie to us. The lies told to us by our parents/elders/teachers are very funny – now that we have grown up and know that they where fibs. Unfortunately, not everyone finds it funny – many people become bitter and revengeful when they find their PETs(Parents/Elders/Teachers) where lying to them. Afterward they take their revenge on their own kids – by repeating the lies that where taught to them. One of my favorite lies in this category is about schooling. Somehow they managed to convince me(at least the 8 year old version of myself) that learning to write was important. You might find this hard to believe this – but there was a time when I believed that – but not anymore. – My Seinfeld Calendar
As I said in the last post, I now have six sites. But having six sites is not enough – it must have content. To pressurize myself to create the content, I have created another site – BinnyVA basically aggregates all my feeds and shows them in a calendar. The idea is to use […]
Dance, little guys! Dance!
I was reading ‘A gamer’s Manifesto‘ when I came across this gem… Chances of that happening… Excellent. I like to think that some day the businesses of the world will wake up and realize they’re part of a greater whole, that the energy devoted to cannabalistic infighting means ultimate doom for all. The leaders of […]
Left Handed Words – The Finale
In my last post, I explained my intrest in finding words that can be typed using just the left hand on a qwerty keyboard. Apparently I am not alone in my quest. Many others also have tried to solve the same mystry. A few that came to my attention are… A text file with all […]