English spellings are tricky…
Useless Skills Part 3: Ability to Spell, English

English spellings are tricky…
From the producers of BlogCamp Kerala and BarCamp Kerala 1, 2, 3 and 4 comes the latest blockbuster… BarCamp Kerala 5
In my last post, I said that using the ‘pen’ is stupid. Because its an obsolete device used to make squiggly lines on thin slices of dead trees. And also because there is a better technology available – called the keyboard. There is another aspect of ‘writing’ that no longer needed – the handwriting – […]
When we were kids our parents, our elders and teachers lie to us about a lot of things. When we grow up the situation becomes better – only the government and the media lie to us. The lies told to us by our parents/elders/teachers are very funny – now that we have grown up and know that they where fibs. Unfortunately, not everyone finds it funny – many people become bitter and revengeful when they find their PETs(Parents/Elders/Teachers) where lying to them. Afterward they take their revenge on their own kids – by repeating the lies that where taught to them. One of my favorite lies in this category is about schooling. Somehow they managed to convince me(at least the 8 year old version of myself) that learning to write was important. You might find this hard to believe this – but there was a time when I believed that – but not anymore.
People who know me(and by know me, I mean know me in real life. Not know me as just another guy among the millions of semi-physcotic people in the blogsphere) know that my vision has some problems – or to be more specific, I wear glasses. Glasses has been a part of my personality for as long as I can remember – it gives off a studious/bookworm/computer geek vibe. Its mostly correct(2 out of 3 at least – I have never been considered studious by anyone. As a matter of fact, I am the most anti-school, anti-college guy I know. But that’s a post for another time.)
What is RSS? RSS is a political party – no, wait. I’m not thinking about that RSS. I am talking about the good RSS here – that is Really Simple Syndication. Or Rich Site Summary. Or RDF Site Summary. Yes, that one acronym have four(that I am aware of. I am sure that there is many more) different full forms. They don’t call it ‘Really Simple’ for nothing.
As with any other guy with a finger on the shutter button of a camera, I too get delusions about my artistic talent. Put a camera in my hand, and suddenly I think I am the best photographer on the planet. But the fact remains that my artistic skills are well hidden within the recesses of my mind. Very well hidden. If you need any proof, I designed this site.
For the first time in ages, I am afraid. One of my worst nightmares is coming to life. And I don’t even have time to prepare – it will hit me in 18 days. The black death. Dark ages. The darkness. These are just some of the names given to my nightmare. You might know […]
George W Bush, current president of USA, leader of the free world and the butt of many jokes, have made this statement to explain the present ‘rice crisis’ aka ‘food shortage’… …It also, however, increases demand. So, for example, just as an interesting thought for you, there are 350 million people in India who are […]